Our New Home!
(a.k.a. our 'Fixer Uper')
So I have had a bunch of people tell me that I need to update our blogg with our new house so here it comes. Keep in mind that these are before pictures and it is a work in progress. I will post after pictures as they come.
Our new home is on 100W in Tooele. It was built in 1915 and needs quiet a bit of work but thanks to my Dad and the work of others we'll get it looking good.
I'll show the best part first, the Kitchen. This was remodled about 5 years ago and is in pretty good condition.
Here's the tiny bathroom where as my sister says "you can sit on the toilet and wash your hands at the same time!"
This is a picture of the hardwood floors in what will be the living room and office. Dan will be refinishing them.
This is the scary looking back room that will be a storage and laundry room.
"Our Dungeon" the basement is pretty scary but will be nice for storage.
This is an example of the fix ups that needed to be done. If you look closley you can see that this is a fist hole in our wall. See the outline?
An example of a bedroom. We ripped out all of the carpet and are texturing and painting all the walls.
Hard at work of course!
My Dad telling everyone what to do next!
Audrey so dutifully mixing paint. We took a chance and bought some mess up paint and mixed our own color. Thanks to my mom and her eye for color it turned out great.
One of our first major projects was taking down some ugly trees in the yard. The previous owners had done a horrible wack job so we had to take them all the way down. They were probably about 60-70 years old.
Unfortunatly I don't have a good before picture but this is the front of the house after we took down the trees. It looks a lot better.
Paint, paint, and more paint. It's comming along!